Our Focus
Every day in America, 4,435 youth are arrested, 202 for violent crimes, 377 for drug related crimes, 2,222 high school students drop out, 1,210 teen pregnancies happen and 5 youth commit suicide. (Children’s Defense Fund, 2014)
Changing Lives
In the last 15 years, MTS has proven that it is part of the solution to the growing angst in youth worldwide.
Go to Second Chance Angels
Second Chance Angels
Were able to help teens through the support of individuals, organizations, and companies.
By partnering with like-minded organizations we are able to change the lives of thousands of teens.
Go to Motivating the Teen Spirit
Motivating the Teen Spirit
Helping teens fall in love with themselves, communicate more effectively, and make integrity-based decisions.
Becoming a part of the solution.
A revolutionary, interactive program that empowers young people
Motivating the Teen Spirit (MTS) responds to these cries for help by teaching Emotional Literacy and Healthiness. This revolutionary, interactive program empowers young people to take responsibility for their lives, respect themselves, and live with integrity.
In the last 15 years, MTS has proven that it is part of the solution to the growing angst in youth worldwide. As of January 2008, we have served over 90,000 teens, prevented more than 3,000 teen suicides, influenced 850 teen dropouts to return to school, and reconnected thousands of teens with their families. And the numbers keep climbing!
We invite you to join the ranks of those who have decided to be part of the solution—those who have recognized the need for increased emotional health among teens, and have realized that MTS delivers predictable results. Many of the 90,000 teens who have come through our workshops and changed their lives were able to do so only because individuals, organizations, and companies stepped in to support them financially.
Our Team
Our team is comprised of dedicated professionals with years of experience helping thousands of teens.

Lisa Nichols

Tia Ross
Executive Director

Margaret Packer
Executive Assistant